
Flint Hills Summer Fun Camp

Flint Hills Summer Camp was started in 2010 by parents as a way to provide a structured, fun summer experience for children with autism-spectrum disorders and peer models. Over the years camp structures have continued to grow and change in order to accommodate community and student needs. This year you may see even more changes as we were able to fully incorporate our High School students into camp last year, and this year we are offering an opportunity for our littlest learners to join us for the month of July. 

Some things that have changed over the years:

*  Campers from many different school districts now attend

* Multiple needs are able to be met so that campers can have expereinces they may not be able to participate in during the school year.

* Not a dedicated SEL time, but all Social and emotional learning skills are incorporated thorughout the day in both structured and real time learning opportunitites.

Some things that remain the same are: 

* High levels of engagement for all who attend

*Certified teachers in every classroom, increases academic skills across all areas

*Para professionals who are trained to work with students who need additional support

*ALL staff at camp are onboarded with the same information, so anyone can help any camper who may need assistance.  

Research shows that children learn best from their peers and through play based engagement. Peer models are an important component of our camp as they often bring their own skills ready to share and display them to others while continuing to learn and explore new ones. Campers are divided into age groups (approximately 12-15 students per group) under the supervision of a certified teacher and class paraprofessional.  Academic supports and enrichment are woven throughout the day to support students acadmeic readiness while having fun. Campers with any type of need or none at all can apply to join us. We do our best to provide appropriate supports for everyone. If your campers have special requirements such as smaller groups, 1:1 para support, or addidtional resources, those converstaions can be had individually. Fun and Safety while learning are our ultimate goals

The program is held at a USD 383 elementary school each summer. Our dates are varied due to the fact that we are hosted by a school district who needs to also maintain their buildings and grounds. We very much appreciate what they have come to offer us in partnership and are flexible as we move buildings each summer.  To ensure full participation, we require campers to sign up for an entire month long session or the full summer so that we can predicte the number of staff we will need.Being allowed to operate out of a district feed site means free Breakfast and Lunch are available for all who attend. 

Our goals: 

  • Prevent cognitive regression over summer months
  • Improve transition between school years with consistent schedule and routine
  • Encourage socialization and social skills building with same-aged peers
  • Promote physical activity and healthy lifestyle choices
  • Provide a safe environment for students to work on individual goals, including academics, communication, gross and fine motor skills, self-esteem, social skills

Theme and Intention:  Learning is all fun and games!

As you can see in our schedule of daily events. Consistency to structure is important in order for campers to learn the routine, anticipate transitions and increase their own indpendence. Expectations are reviewed each morning and the schedule of the day will be reviewed. Multiple opportuntites for whole group academic enrichment, small groupwork,  and 1:1 support are worked into the schedule so that no one is waiting for something to happen next. When campers are focused and engaged unexpected behaviors are kept to a minimum and maximum opportunities for learning can be achieved.  In addition to focusing on how to make academics fun, structured activities in the arts and physical activities are provided. Campers are also bussed for activities in the community and field trips. This year we are happy to partner with other community organizations to accomplish our activities for the summer. Current partners include USD 383, Kansas State University, K-State Communication Sciences and Disorders, The First Tee of Manhattan, Beach Museum of Art, Riley Co. Extention office, and Manhattan Parks and Rec.


We will be located at Marlatt Elementary School for the summer of 2025. Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 and CDC guidelines/recommendations will be followed. Camp will happen as long as it is deemed safe and appropriate. We reserve the right to cancel/alter camp if needed due to Events Beyond Our Control.

To reach us email Camp Director at Fhsummerfuncamp@gmail.com


Our Schedule can be found by clicking on the Events tab. You will find both a monthly outline of bigger events and off site activities as well as a proposed daily schedule. Please understand that at camp we try our best to follow plans for scheduled events but we can not guarentee that they will be followed exactly. Plans and schedules are subject to change based on staffing/ camper needs, transportation, and funding. If we are going to add another trip or activity, parents will be notified. It is understood that if campers arrive at camp on the day of an off site event, they have been given permission to go. Campers will not be able to return early for appointments. Parents will be responsible to meet us where we are.  


The camp runs daily Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 pm. Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria at 8:00 am. Limited supervision will be available during this time.

Camp will be closed July 4th, 2025 in observance of Independence day. 


You do not need to be a student of USD 383 to participate. Students who are entering first through twelvth grade are eligible. 

If your child has an IEP, we will require that it be sent with your application before your application will be considered complete. We will also want contact information for your current school year teacher to discuss the best placement option for your child. USD 383 students who are eligible for morning Extended School Year services (ESY) can often get those services at camp, at no cost to the parent (see your IEP case manager for more information). A special camp rate is available for ESY students who would like to participate in the afternoon after their morning ESY services are complete. 

If your child requires individualized paraprofessional support during the school year, your child may need to have that level of support to be successful at our camp. The camp's budget does not allow for one-on-one paraprofessionals for every child. Parents may have to assist with the cost of such support. We will discuss options with you and make every effort to ensure your child has a positive experience. 

For more detailed information about the registration process and fee structure please visit the Application & Tuition page. 

Acceptance notifications will be made periodically throughout the spring as applications are reviewed.  We encourage families to apply early!