Filmmakers Registration 2016
February 4, 2016 to March 31, 2016
Eisenhower Middle School 800 Walters Drive, Manhattan KS
Join us for Flint Hills Filmmakers' Academy 2016!
Filmmakers is an eight week film academy for youth entering 6-8th grades. Students on the autism spectrum and peer models encouraged to apply.
12:30 - 3:30 p.m. (M-F)
Session One: June 6 - July 1
Session Two: July 5 - July 29 (no camp July 4)
Eisenhower Middle School
This summer program will provide youth with the opportunity to write and produce multimedia presentations and short films. The group will involve a mix of children with autism specturm disorders and peer models.
Tuition for the camp is $200 per session and a $100 deposit is required to hold your spot. Applications will be reviewed begininng in late March and selections made in April. Camp is limited to 15 campers.
Questions? Please contact Helen Miller at